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Teacher's Zone
Support Material for Teachers
Droichead is an integrated induction framework for newly qualified teachers (NQTs). It has been designed to reflect the importance of the induction phase on the teacher’s lifelong learning journey. It marks the point where the new teacher is formally welcomed into the profession of teaching having completed the initial teacher education phase. There are three fully trained mentors in our school who facilitate this process and provide support to NQT’s.
Droichead includes both school-based and additional professional learning activities to meet the needs of teachers as they begin their career. It is made available in primary schools, post-primary schools and special schools.
Useful Websites for Teachers
www.sightwords.com help teach children to read.
http://media.iearn.org/ Teddy bear writing project.
www.scoilnet.ie portal for Irish educators.
http://woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/literacy/index.htm contains interactive stories and literacy activities (EXCELLENT SITE).
www.spellingcity.com online spelling programme.
www.adrianbruce.com/ games and other educational resources.
http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/jeather/writingfun/writingfun.html Jenny Eater site which includes very useful writing frames to support First Steps writing.
www.tutpup.com users can compete in educational games against other children from all over the world.
www.sparklebox.co.uk downloadable resources.
www.primaryresources.co.uk lesson plans, activity ideas and resources.
www.teachingideas.co.uk downloadable resources.
www.busyteacherscafe.com resources, ideas, lessons, free pintables’ etc.
www.teachnet.ie curriculum resources & web quests.
www.carlscorner.us.com printable ideas including word work, contractions, word families, alphabet and blends.
www.iknowthat.com subject based learning tools.
www.askaboutireland.com information, images and documents about various topics e.g. Irish public libraries & other culture institutions (ENFO).
www.topmarks.co.uk resources, homework help and educational websites by age and subject.
www.bbctyping.co.uk fun typing programme.
www.senteacher.org supports literacy and numeracy (Good links to information about syndromes etc).
www.hubbardscupboard.org information for early childhood educators and parents.
www.northpole.com interactive Christmas themed activities.
www.literactive.com phonics based reading program for early learners. You need to register to use some resources. Just remember your log-in and password.
www.instantdisplay.co.uk resources for teachers for display.
www.thefreemusicdirectory.com contains free downloadable mp3 files.
www.tikatok.com children can write and publish books.
www.usbourne-quicklinks.com has links to internet-linked books.
www.folensonline.ie access to online textbooks.
www.cjfallon.ie access to online textbooks. Interactive section provides links to each chapter of s.e.s.e. books. You must login etc for this section.
www.educationposts.ie teaching vacancies.
www.nurseryrhymes4u.com nursery rhymes and tongue twisters Needs some computer downloads for sound.
www.schoolbell.com In website type in what you would like to search for e.g. Dolch and links will appear for that. Save anything useful.
www.kidshealth.org children's health support site.
www.lessonplanspage.com/index.htm Over 3500 free lesson plans covering all subjects including Maths.
www.sitesforteachers.com Hundreds of educational websites, rated by popularity. Teaching ideas, lesson plans, projects, worksheets, clipart, etc.
www.apples4theteacher.com Resources for all subject areas including maths.
www.primaryschool.com.au Free primary school lesson plans and educational resources in all subject areas.
www.teachingtreasures.com.au Teaching tools, online interactive activities, educational games, projects, worksheets and many other resources, to help with the daily learning adventure.
http://kidsyahoo.com Useful source of games, puzzles, etc. from the home page, click on School and Homework for a selection of engaging sites.
http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories Learn English Kids is the British Council’s website for children around the world who are learning English as a second or foreign language. However its animated talking stories are an ideal resource for supporting reading particularly with younger pupils or those who struggle with reading.This site has almost 60 talking. It is also a useful resource to recommend to parents.
http://www.speakaboos.com/stories Speakaboos brings classic children’s entertainment into a digital world. Many of the resources on this site require a subscription but there are currently over 30 free animated talking stories on offer. The full text is also available for each story. Speakaboos’ resources fall into six genres: Fables, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Nursery Rhymes and Songs.
http://www.meegenius.com/store/books/free/ MeeGenius is a reading application for the iPhone, iPad, iTouch, Google TV, Google Chrome Web Store, and the Web. There are currently 6 free books on the site and many in the catalogue that are available for a small fee typically $0.99 or $1.99.
http://www.storynory.com Storynory is an online treasure trove of audio stories. Here you will find a mixture of new stories, fairy tales, and specially adapted myths and histories.
http://www.kidsaudiobooks.co.uk/complete_list.htm This site offers a range of free audio stories that can be listened to online. It also offers some stories in text format as well a range of colouring activities.
http://www.storylineonline.net/ There are currently 13 stories available online.
http://www.goodnightstories.com/hear.htm Eleven well known audio stories for you to listen to. It requires real player to be installed on your computer.
http://www.ziggityzoom.com/stories.php For younger children.
http://www.mightybook.com/story_books.html Lots of free interactive reading material here. You have to pay a small annual subscription to access all material.
http://www.raz-kids.com/main/ViewPage/name/sample This is a subscription site that gives you hundreds of interactive, levelled books spanning 27 levels of difficulty, covering a wide range of subjects You can access some free samples from the link above.
http://www.magickeys.com/books/ This site offers illustrated children’s stories for children of all ages.
http://www.storybookcastle.com/ This site has both well-known classic fables (including a special section for Aesops Fables) as well as ones that you might not know yet. There are also online picture books, educational activities, and printable colouring pages.
http://www.storiestogrowby.com/choose.php Find stories from around the world. You can search by age or by story type.
http://the-office.com/bedtime-story/indexmain.htm stories.
http://bygosh.com/mothergoose/index.htm All children’s favourite nursery rhymes are here with illustrations.
http://www.popularchildrenstories.com/index.htm children's stories/audio stories/nursery rhymes.
http://www.readprint.com/ ReadPrint is a free online library where you can find literally thousands of books to read for free, from classics to science fiction to Shakespeare.
http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks.
http://www.bibliomania.com/0/-/frameset.html Bibliomania has thousands of e-books, poems, articles, short stories and plays all of which are absolutely free.
http://www.naturalreaders.com Free TTS software.
http://www.wordsmyth.net/ Online Dictionary.
http://www.visuwords.com/ Online Dictionary.
http://www.dictionary.com Online Dictionary.
http://www.merriam-webster.com/ Online Dictionary.
Catherine McAuley Junior School
Bunscoil Nic Amhlaidh
© 2023 Catherine McAuley Junior School | Bunscoil Nic Amhlaidh