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School Awards
The Green Flag
Green-Schools is an international environmental education programme, environmental management system and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges long-term, whole school action for the environment.
It is a long-term programme that introduces pupils, teachers, parents and the wider community to the concept of an environmental management system. It fosters a strong sense of citizenship and leadership among participants that spreads far outside the school into the wider community. It brings children into the decision-making process and makes them responsible for their decisions and actions.
This year we reecived our first Green Flag. This flag is awarded for all the work completed in the school on the theme of Litter & Waste. It focuses on reducing, reusing and recycling, encouraging a sense of responsibility and pride in our environment. A Green Flag is awarded by An Taisce to a school every two years.
Prior to amalgamation, each school had achieved Green Flags for:
Litter & Waste
Litter & Waste is the first theme. It focuses on litter and waste issues, encouraging a sense of responsibility.
Energy looks at the steps which can be taken at school to reduce energy consumption and raise awareness of climate change.
This theme develops awareness around water conservation and how to effectively manage this important resource in schools.
This theme aims to increase the number of students walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling to school.
Health Promoting Schools Award (HSE)
Catherine McAuley Junior School is engaged with the Health Promoting Schools Programme organised by Healthy Ireland and is currently working towards its first Health Promoting School Flag. This programme involves the whole school community – pupils, parents and staff – working together to make our school the Best That It Can Be.
A small committee of staff and parents have drawn up an action plan based on the returned questionnaires from parents, staff and pupils. We appreciate and encourage your involvement.
Some of the actions taking place under the programme are:
Development of School Website and Facebook Page
Well Being
Launching the Buddy Bench Project and Friendship Week
Healthy Living
Walking Group for Parents; Updating Healthy Eating Policy
Super Troopers – including Active HomeworkLook out for the Health Promoting School displays in school and follow updates on the school website/facebook page.
Catherine McAuley Junior School
Bunscoil Nic Amhlaidh
© 2023 Catherine McAuley Junior School | Bunscoil Nic Amhlaidh